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Piper retrofractum 'Variegata' (RARE)

Piper retrofractum 'Variegata' (RARE)

Regular price €41.00 EUR
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Variegated variant of Piper retrofractum.

Plant belonging to the Piperaceae family, native to the tropical regions of south-eastern Asia, in particular Indonesia and Malaysia. It is commonly known as "Long Pepper".

This plant is a perennial climber that grows in tropical and subtropical areas, characterized by dark green and lanceolate leaves and white or green flowers that develop in terminal spikes. However, it is best known for its elongated fruits, which are harvested and used in various cultures as a spice and traditional medicine.

Piper retrofractum fruits are used in Asian cuisine to add flavor and spiciness to dishes. They contain aromatic compounds that give them a spicy and aromatic flavor similar to black pepper, but with a warmer, earthier note.

Furthermore, the plant has traditionally been used in various folk medicine practices to treat various ailments, including digestive problems, joint pain and respiratory pain. Some scientific studies have also suggested potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties associated with consuming Piper retrofractum fruits.

In 9cm pot. Length approximately 20-30 cm.

light icon Illuminated but not direct sun.

water icon Moist substrate.

humidity icon From 50% to 90%

temperature icon From 18° to 30°C

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