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Maranta leuconeura "tricolor"

Maranta leuconeura "tricolor"

Regular price €10.90 EUR
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The Maranta leuconeura plant occurs naturally on the east coast of Brazil. The forest is known as the "Atlantic Rainforest" and features subtropical vegetation with lots of rainfall in a relatively mild climate.
M. leuconeura 'Tricolor' has attractive, multi-coloured leaves, with red to pink veins and multi-coloured green leaves. It grows from an underground rhizome, which serves as a reservoir for water and nutrients. It grows around 30cm in height, but can grow up to 60cm in length due to its trailing growth, making it very suitable for hanging and dropping.

This plant is also called "prayer plant" due to the mobility of its leaves, which fold upwards at night like hands in prayer.
The Maranta generally likes mild conditions. It wants bright light but not full sun, feels most comfortable at normal room temperatures and wants an airy substrate, which should always be kept slightly moist but not wet. It does not tolerate hard water as well as other houseplants, so it is best to water with water with a low mineral content (rain water, distilled or osmosis water).
Maranta leuconeura is one of the simpler Marantaceae that can be grown as a houseplant. You should also always make sure that it does not get direct sun in summer, otherwise the leaves can be damaged very quickly. Too dry air (e.g. from heaters) can lead to dry leaf edges both on old leaves, but especially on new ones.
Fertilize with half strength green plant fertilizer every 2 weeks during the growing season.

12cm pot

light icon Bright light, no full sun.

water icon Keep the substrate slightly moist.

humidity icon 60% to 90%

temperature icon From 18° to 28°C

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