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Begonia bullatifolia

Begonia bullatifolia

Regular price €16.90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €16.90 EUR
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Begonia bullatifolia is prized for its unique and distinctive leaves. The leaves are round in shape and are often wrinkled or wavy, which gives them an interesting, three-dimensional appearance. The surface of the leaves is slightly hairy, while the color varies from light green to dark green.

The leaves may be conspicuously veined or marked with a variety of patterns, which add further visual interest to the plant. This begonia is prized primarily for its leaves and is often grown as a houseplant or ornamental garden.

It requires a bright but indirect position, and well-drained soil rich in organic substance. It is important to keep the soil moist but not too wet, as begonia roots are susceptible to rot. Additionally, Begonia bullatifolia will benefit from a humid environment, so periodic misting of the leaves can be helpful especially in environments with dry air.

It is also ideal for small terrariums.

light icon Half shade

water icon Moist but not too wet, do not let dry completely.

humidity icon From 60% to 95%

temperature icon From 20° to 32°C 

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